Thursday, May 5, 2016

Hobby to How-to

It's hard to believe I have been blogging since 2010. Back then, I didn't even really know what a blog was but thought it would be a fun way to connect with other adoptive mamas. And, a nice way to practice my writing skills. (And, yes, that last line is an intentional fragment and not a reflection of my actual writing skills.)

Not only have I forged some amazing friendships with other families journeying along the adoption path, I have discovered a whole new world. Blogging, writing, publishing, YouTube video promos ... it has all been rather mind-blowing, to say the least. Now that my eyes have been dazzled by all of this, I have decided to dive head-first into its depths and saturate myself in its literary/technological waters.

So I'm quitting my job.

Kind of.

Well, actually I am, but not totally.

Okay, it's kind of complicated and I can't say I really understand how this is all going to work, but I did quit my teaching job.

I'm more like a free-lance educator now.

Whatever that means.

After twenty-three years of teaching, I am DONE with addressing a class, slaving over lesson plans, and stocking up on red correcting pens.

Kind of.

Mostly, I'm just done with being locked in a classroom for x amount of hours per day and released when the school bell rings.

But, I still like teaching.

Mostly, I enjoy the kids.

Love those kiddos!!!

(Most of them, at least.)

Okay, okay, ALL of them!

I think I just need a break.

And so...

...back to my original thread...

I am stepping into the blogging world to see where it takes me. In two weeks, I will launch by enrolling in a FREE blogging course called, "The Profitable Blogging Summit" from May 16 - 20.

And when I learn everything there is to learn
and get rich and famous,
you can say you knew me here first.

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